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1-1 When Rev Heinrich Johann P "Henry" Fast was born on August 23, 1849, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 39 and his mother, Sara, was 20. He married Maria DE Hamm Fast on April 23, 1876, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had 10 children in 16 years. He died on February 27, 1930, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 80, and was buried there.

Rev Heinrich Johann3 P "Henry" Fast - b. 1849, d. 1930 ** See note

& Maria DE Hamm Fast - b. 1853, m. 1876, d. 1917

1. Sarah4 H H Fast Becker - b. 1877, d. 1953

Spouse - Abraham J. Becker - b. 1875, m. 1901, d. 1961

2. Maria4 Mary H Fast Shultz - b. 1878, d. 1927

Spouse - Henery H. Shultz - b. 1880, m. 1900, d. 1963

i. Henry5 Schultz - b. 1901, d. 1902

ii. Marie5 "Mary" Schultz - b. 1903, d. 1980

iii. Annie5 A Schultz - b. 1904

iv. Sarah5 H Schultz - b. 1906, d. 1973

v. Henry5 M Schultz - b. 1907, d. 1962

vi. David5 Henry "Harry" Schultz - b. 1909, d. 1996

vii. Helena5 Schultz - b. 1911, d. 2002

viii. Rev Abraham5 H. Schultz - b. 1914, d. 1967

ix. Johann5 Walter John Schultz - b. 1917, d. 1917

x. Jacob5 Alvin Schultz - b. 1917, d. 1917

xi. Olga5 Rosie Schultz - b. 1918, d. 2010

3. Johann4 Heinrich "John" Fast - b. 1880, d. 1935

Spouse - Helena JS "Lena" Schmidt Fast - b. 1880, m. 1903, d. 1942

i. Heinrich5 Fast - b. 1904, d. 1904

ii. Maria5 Fast - b. 1905, d. 1905

iii. Heinrich5 L" Henry" Fast - b. 1906, d. 2000

iv. Marie5 A Fast Wiens Hein - b. 1908, d. 1997

Spouse - Johann Daniel "John" Wiens - b. 1891, m. 1950, d. 1959

Spouse - Edward William "Ed" Hein - b. 1899, m. 1964, d. 1997

v. Helena5 F Helen Fast - b. 1909, d. 1998

vi. Sara5 Fast - b. 1911, d. 1982

vii. John5 Fast - b. 1913, d. 1913

viii. Elsie5 Louise Fast - b. 1914, d. 2009

ix. Rosella5 Anna Fast - b. 1921, d. 2009

4. David4 Heinrich H Fast - b. 1881, d. 1960

Spouse - Anna Justina W Warkentin Fast - b. 1886, m. 1909, d. 1927

i. Erna5 Justina Fast - b. 1912, d. 2008

ii. Ferdinand5 David Faast - b. 1914, d. 1980

iii. Salome5 Anna Fast - b. 1917, d. 2015

iv. Marvin5 Bernhard Fast - b. 1920, d. 2008

v. Willard5 Samuel "Bill" Fast - b. 1922, d. 2011

Spouse - Elizabeth PF Eitzen Fast - b. 1893, m. 1930, d. 1990

5. Heinrich4 H "Henry" Fast - b. 1883, d. 1951

Spouse - Helena P Nickel Fast - b. 1888, m. 1910, d. 1939

i. Theodore5 Ted H Fast - b. 1912, d. 1983

ii. Helen5 Linda Fast - b. 1914, d. 1986

iii. Henry5 Arnold Fast - b. 1918, d. 1919

6. Helena4 H Fast - b. 1885, d. 1886

7. Gerhard4 Heinrich Fast - b. 1887, d. 1888

8. Gerhard4 George Fast - b. 1889, d. 1966

Spouse - Anna G Buhler Fast - b. 1891, m. 1912, d. 1969

9. Anna4 Luella Fast - b. 1913, d. 1986

10. Mary4 Frieda Fast - b. 1915, d. 2005

11. Alvin4 Aaron Fast - b. 1918, d. 1937

12. Elfriede4 Linda Fast - b. 1922, d. 1985

13. Gerhard4 Lowell Fast - b. 1929, d. 1966

14. Elizabeth4 H H Fast - b. 1891, d. 1892

15. Abraham4 Heinrich H Fast - b. 1893, d. 1893

Grandma’s Window Heinrich Fast #56379

Heinrich Fast was born on 8-23-1849 in the village of Rudnerweide. Grossweide, Pastwa, and Franzthal were east and north some miles from here. He also attended school at Steinbach under Mr. Neufeld, which was west of Rudnerweide. In 1867 he was baptized by Elder Isaac Peters in the Pordenau Church and became a member here.He was 26 years old when he with his parents moved to Mt. Lake, MN. He was here in the Mt. Lake area nearly a year when he married Maria Hamm, April 23, 1876, born on 4-25-1853. The following year he was ordained as minister by Elder Aron Wall in the Hochfeld Church, now Gospel Mennonite, and served in this capacity and as evangelist till 1917 or 40 years. He and Elder Wall and also Rev. Heinrich E. Fast made trips to Avon and Marion, SD, Steinbach, Manitoba, and also was instrumental in starting the Brighten Mennonite Church in Chicago. The Happy Hour Mission also started then. He and Elder Wall also went to Langham, SK, in 1903 and started a church in the grainery of Franz Flaming or north of the Langham Church, now Dalmeny. Mrs. Fast passed away the 22nd of March, 1917. This marriage lasted for 40 years. Then he was married again on 5-9-1919 to Mrs. David Eitzen (Helena Friesen), living in Mt. Lake 10 years and 9 months and passed away Feb. 27, 1930.

Immigration Source: Migration From the Russian Empire, Vol 1, page 18

Marriage Source: Kirchen Buch der Mennoniten Gemeinde zu Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co., Minnesota, 1878.

(11-2) When Sara J P Fast Flaming Dick was born on January 1, 1853, in Russia, her father, Johann, was 43 and her mother, Sara, was 23. She married Peter M Flaming and they had three children together. She then married Rev Heinrich Isaak Dick and they had seven children together. She died on September 3, 1940, in Dinuba, California, at the age of 87, and was buried in Mountain Lake, Minnesota.

Sara3 J P Fast Flaming Dick - b. 1853, d. 1940 **See Note

& Peter M Flaming - b. 1846, m. 1872, d. 1884

1. Peter4 F Flaming - b. 1873, d. 1877

2. Sara4 P F Flaming - b. 1875, d. 1877

3. Katharina4 P F Flaming - b. 1878, d. 1878

& Rev Heinrich Isaak Dick - b. 1864, m. 1885, d. 1928

4. Sarah4 Dick - b. 1883

5. Heinrich4 F Dick - b. 1886, d. 1888

6. Heinrich4 "Henry" F Dick - b. 1888, d. 1966

7. Isaac4 Heinrich F Dick - b. 1890, d. 1894

8. Johann4 Heinrich F Dick - b. 1892, d. 1894

9. John4 Seth Dick - b. 1895, d. 1942

Spouse - Katharina E."Tina" Harder Dick - b. 1892, m. 1918, d. 1970

i. Verna5 Hazel Dick - b. 1919

ii. Vester5 John Dick - b. 1922, d. 1998

Spouse - Esther Jewell Dick - b. 1925, d. 2014

iii. Victor5 Dick - b. 1923

iv. Wilma5 Catherine Dick - b. 1926, d. 2009

10. Gerhard4 George Dick - b. 1897, d. 1901

Johann Fast book - page 159: Sara Fast was born 1-1-1853 in the village Rohhorfski, South Russia. In her early youth her parents moved to the Jurtemalee and she started school at the age of 12 in the village Alexanderkrone. When she was nineteen she accepted the Lord as her Savior and was baptized by Elder Isaac Peters and joined the church at Pordenau. She married Peter Flaming May 18, 1872, and lived in Rudnerweide. This marriage lasted only 12 years, when her husband Peter passed away Oct 13, 1884. It was nearly 10 years ago when her parents, brothers, and sister moved to America. She was very lonesome during these trying times and the baby Sara to take care of.

In the early part of 1885 her brother Herman J. came from America to the Molotschna and brought her and the 3-year-old Sara to Mt. Lake, MN, on Nov. 3 of this year. She married the second time to Heinrich I. Dick, who was elected as Deacon in 1896 , ordained as Minister in 1902, and ordained as Elder in 1094 by Elder Aron Wall. He served in this capacity till 1918 when his health failed to the extent that he could not carry this responsibility. He passed away on 5-27-1928. This marriage lasted 43 years. She was a charter member of the Mt. Lake Bruderthaler Church (now Evangelical Mennonite Brethren.)

She was very friendly and hospitable and served very faithful as a ministers wife. In December of 1939 she went along to Dallas, OR, to stay with her children the Rev. Henry H. Dicks. Then on August 29, 1940, her granddaughter Verna Dick was getting married, and she invited and went along to Dinuba for the wedding. Here she got sick and passed away on Sept. 2, 1940, and was buried at the Mt. Lake EMB Church Cemetery.

(1-3) When Gerhard Johann P "George" Fast was born on May 27, 1856, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 46 and his mother, Sara, was 26. He married Helena D Hamm Fast on November 5, 1878, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had eight children in 23 years. He died on November 13, 1942, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 86, and was buried there.

Gerhard3 Johann P "George" Fast - b. 1856, d. 1942

& Helena D Hamm Fast - b. 1860, m. 1878, d. 1929

1. David4 Gerhard H Fast - b. 1879, d. 1963

Spouse - Marie Klassen Fast - b. 1884, m. 1904, d. 1983

2. Frieda4 Lydia Fast - b. 1905, d. 1997

Spouse - Frank Peter Fast - b. 1906, m. 1928, d. 1985

i. Mathelda5 "Hilda" Fast Garber - b. 1906, d. 1957

Spouse - Marvin Samuel Garber - b. 1905, m. 1932, d. 1978

ii. Marie5 Fast Garber - b. 1908, d. 1996

Spouse - John Clinton Garber - b. 1900, m. 1935, d. 1996

iii. Theodore5 David Fast - b. 1910, d. 1999

iv. Helen5 Fast - b. 1914

v. Linda5 Luella Fast - b. 1915, d. 2011

vi. Leander5 David Fast - b. 1917, d. 1990

vii. Louis5 Fast - b. 1923

viii. Peter5 Fast - b. 1926

3. Johann4 Gerhard H John Fast - b. 1881, d. 1962

Spouse - Katerine Heppner Fast - b. 1882, m. 1903, d. 1960

i. Helena5 Fast - b. 1904, d. 1986

ii. Marie5 Fast - b. 1907

iii. George5 Fast - b. 1911

iv. Peter5 Fast - b. 1914

v. v. Jacob5 Fast - b. 1917

4. Heinrich4 Gerhard Henry Fast - b. 1883, d. 1960

Spouse - Helena Klassen Fast - b. 1887, m. 1912, d. 1965

i. Arthur5 H Fast - b. 1913, d. 2008

ii. Olga5 Fast - b. 1915

iii. Peter5 Fast - b. 1918

iv. Arnold5 Fast - b. 1921

v. Helen5 Fast - b. 1924

vi. Harry5 Fast - b. 1924

vii. Marvin5 Fast - b. 1930

5. Helena4 Fast - b. 1885, d. 1894

6. Sara4 G Fast - b. 1895, d. 1955

7. Gerhard4 A "George" Fast - b. 1897, d. 1967

Spouse - Elizabet Friesen Frey Fast - b. 1904, m. 1924, d. 1987

i. Erwin5 Herald Fast - b. 1928, d. 2007

Spouse - Anna Frey Fast - b. 1903, m. 1926, d. 1964

ii. Richard5 Lee "Dick" Fast - b. 1930, d. 2006

iii. Myrtle5 Euna Fast - b. 1933, d. 1959

8. Anna4 D Fast Stoesz - b. 1899, d. 1991

Spouse - Dietrich D Stoesz - b. 1899, m. 1924, d. 1966

i. Harvey5 Elden Stoesz - b. 1927

ii. Edgar5 Donald Stoesz - b. 1930

iii. Helen5 Irene Stoesz - b. 1935

iv. Diedrich5 Stoesz - b. 1938

9. Herman4 Gerhard H Fast - b. 1902, d. 1987

Spouse - Elizabeth Jean Friesen - b. 1902, m. 1924, d. 1987

vi. Erwin5 Herald Fast - b. 1928, d. 2007

(1-4) When Herman Johann P Fast was born on June 17, 1860, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 50 and his mother, Sara, was 30. He married Aganetha J N Becker Fast and they had eight children together. He then married Anna J R Janzen Penner Fast on October 25, 1930, in Rosthern, Saskatchewan. He died on July 15, 1947, in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, at the age of 87, and was buried in Mountain Lake, Minnesota.

Herman Johann P Fast - b. 1860, d. 1947

& Aganetha J N Becker Fast - b. 1865, m. 1886, d. 1930

1. Herman4 Bernhard Fast - b. 1887, d. 1938

2. Aganetha4 Helen Fast - b. 1888, d. 1981

3. John4 Becker Fast - b. 1889, d. 1976

4. Sara4 Ann Fast - b. 1892, d. 1983

5. Heinrich4 A Fast - b. 1894, d. 1990

6. Elizabeth4 H B Fast - b. 1898, d. 1898

7. Maria4 Katharina Fast - b. 1900, d. 1945

8. Olga4 Ellen Fast - b. 1904, d. 1941

& Anna J R Janzen Penner Fast - b. 1877, m. 1930, d. 1960

(1-5) When Elizabeth J P Fast Wall was born on November 26, 1864, in Russia, her father, Johann, was 55 and her mother, Sara, was 35. She married Jacob Aron D Wall on May 3, 1884, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had nine children in 20 years. She died on December 30, 1906, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 42, and was buried there.

Elizabeth3 J P Fast Wall - b. 1864, d. 1906

& Jacob Aron D Wall - b. 1864, m. 1884, d. 1954

1. Aron4 Jacob F Wall - b. 1886, d. 1963

Spouse - Susanna J N "Susie" Becker Wall - b. 1886, m. 1908, d. 1979

i. Orlando5 Jacob Wall - b. 1909, d. 1999

ii. Henry5 S Wall - b. 1910, d. 1910

iii. David5 Aron Wall - b. 1911, d. 2011

iv. Katherine5 Susie Wall Wiens - b. 1912, d. 2009

Spouse - Herman Wiens - b. 1912, m. 1934, d. 2001

v. Laura5 Elizabeth Wall - b. 1918, d. 2014

vi. Irvin5 Aron Wall - b. 1925, d. 1995

2. Heinrich4 Jacob F "Henry" Wall - b. 1888, d. 1891

3. Sara4 J F Wall - b. 1890, d. 1967

4. Aganetha4 J F Wall - b. 1893, d. 1955

5. Jacob4 J F Wall - b. 1895, d. 1901

6. Elizabeth4 J F Wall - b. 1898, d. 1983

7. Katharina4 J Wall - b. 1901, d. 1958

8. Anna4 Frieda Wall Mehere - b. 1905, d. 1989

Spouse - Fredrick Mehere - b. 1904, m. 1924, d. 1977

i. Wilbert5 Lee Mehrer - b. 1925, d. 2011

ii. Elmer5 Earl Mehrer - b. 1925

9. Orlando4 Wall - b. 1906, d. 1906

(2-1)When Maria Kroeker Hiebert was born on March 20, 1857, in Russia, her father, Martin, was 30 and her mother, Elizabeth, was 25. She married Cornelius C. Hiebert on November 7, 1878, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had five children in 11 years. She died as a young mother on November 29, 1891, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 34, and was buried there.

Maria3 Kroeker Hiebert - b. 1857, d. 1891

& Cornelius C. Hiebert - b. 1855, m. 1878, d. 1923

1. Helena4 Hiebert - b. 1880, d. 1921

2. Cornelius4 B Hiebert - b. 1882, d. 1921

3. Elisabeth4 Hiebert - b. 1884, d. 1924

4. Heinrik4 Henry C Hiebert - b. 1889, d. 1965

5. Maria4 Hiebert - b. 1891, d. 1891

(2-2)When Heinrich Kroeker was born in April 1861 in Russian, Sucre, Venezuela, his father, Martin, was 34 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 29. He married Maria Ratzlaff Kroeker on April 12, 1886, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had five children in 16 years. He died on June 5, 1927, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 66.

Heinrich3 Kroeker - b. 1861, d. 1927

& Maria Ratzlaff Kroeker - b. 1863, m. 1886, d. 1924

1. Mary4 Kroeker - b. 1886, d. 1976

2. Herman4 Kroeker - b. 1888, d. 1968

3. Elizabeth4 Kroeker - b. 1895, d. 1984

4. Helena4 Kroeker - b. 1900, d. 1982

5. John4 H. Kroeker - b. 1902, d. 1981

(2-3)When Peter W Kroeker was born about 1869, in Russia, his father, Martin, was 42 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 38. He had two sons and two daughters with Mabel Unknown Kroeker between 1904 and 1916. He died as a child in 1875.

Peter3 W Kroeker - b. 1869, d. 1875

&Mabel Unknown Kroeker - b. 1874

1. Harvey4 Kroeker - b. 1904

2. Alfred4 Kroeker - b. 1907

3. Mabel4 Kroeker - b. 1909

4. Margy4 Kroeker - b. 1916

(2-4)When Sara Kroeker Friesen was born on April 2, 1870, in Russia, her father, Martin, was 43 and her mother, Elizabeth, was 38. She married Peter B Friesen on October 23, 1890, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. She had five children by the time she was 27. She died on September 10, 1947, in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, at the age of 77, and was buried there.

Sara3 Kroeker Friesen - b. 1870, d. 1947

& Peter B Friesen - b. 1867, m. 1890, d. 1920

1. Elizabeth4 Liessa Friesen - b. 1891, d. 1983

2. Peter4 J Friesen - b. 1892, d. 1892

3. Anna4 J Friesen - b. 1893, d. 1893

4. Peter4 P Friesen - b. 1895, d. 1990

5. Sarah4 Friesen - b. 1897, d. 1981

(2-5)When Johann Martin "John" Kroeker was born on February 22, 1876, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, his father, Martin, was 49 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 44. He married Elizabeth J Siemens Kroeker Franz on March 17, 1896, in his hometown. He had five children by the time he was 28. He died on February 14, 1910, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 33, and was buried there.

Johann Martin "John" Kroeker - b. 1876, d. 1910

& Elizabeth J Siemens Kroeker Franz - b. 1876, m. 1896, d. 1950

1. Jacob Kroeker - b. 1897, d. 1956

2. Elizabeth J Kroeker - b. 1898, d. 1993

3. Marie Elizabeth Kroeker - b. 1900, d. 1981

4. John Elmer Kroeker - b. 1901, d. 1968

5. Sarah Kroeker - b. 1904, d. 1951

(3-1)When Heinrich E "Henry" Fast was born on February 11, 1856, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 25 and his mother, Anna, was 21. He married Katharina Eidse Fast and they had seven children together. He then married Agatha Gaede Fast on September 30, 1924, in American Falls, Idaho. He died on September 19, 1927, in Pocatello, Idaho, at the age of 71.

Heinrich E "Henry" Fast - b. 1856, d. 1927

& Katharina Eidse Fast - b. 1855, m. 1877, d. 1923

1. Heinrich Fast - b. 1879, d. 1890

2. Johann Fast - b. 1880, d. 1891

3. Katharina "Tina" Fast - b. 1883, d. 1958

4. Jacob H. Fast - b. 1887, d. 1949

5. Gerhard E. Fast - b. 1890, d. 1968

6. John Fast - b. 1893, d. 1901

7. Maria Fast - b. 1894, d. 1959

& Agatha Gaede Fast - b. 1866, m. 1924, d. 1948

(3-2)When Abraham Johann P Fast was born on December 12, 1858, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 28 and his mother, Anna, was 24. He married Helena Loewen on March 25, 1884, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. He died on June 23, 1905, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 46, and was buried in Cottonwood County, Minnesota.

(3-3)When Jacob Johann Fast was born on March 14, 1860, his father, Johann, was 29 and his mother, Anna, was 26. He married Lena Unknown Fast in 1882. They had eight children in 14 years. He died on July 15, 1948, in Minnesota, at the age of 88.

Jacob Johann Fast - b. 1860, d. 1948

& Lena Unknown Fast - b. 1861, m. 1882

1. Lena Fast - b. 1883

2. Anna Fast Goertzen - b. 1884, d. 1972

Spouse - Peter D Goertzen - b. 1886, m. 1910, d. 1958

i. Lillian Goutzen - b. 1913

ii. Esther Goertzen - b. 1914

iii. Ervin Goutzen - b. 1916

iv. Myrtle Goutzen - b. 1919

v. Jennie Goertzen - b. 1921

vi. Alice Goertzen - b. 1924

vii. Richard Goertzen - b. 1927

viii. Virgil Goertzen - b. 1932, d. 1960

3. John Fast - b. 1886

4. Tina Fast - b. 1890

5. Jacob Fast - b. 1891

6. Henry Fast - b. 1893

7. Mary Fast - b. 1895

8. George Fast - b. 1897

(3-4)When Gerhard Johann George Fast was born on May 24, 1862, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 31 and his mother, Anna, was 28. He married Maria Entz Fast on July 16, 1885. They had 15 children in 21 years. He died on November 20, 1900, in Carson, Minnesota, at the age of 38, and was buried in Mountain Lake, Minnesota.

Gerhard Johann George Fast - b. 1862, d. 1900

& Maria Entz Fast - b. 1865, m. 1885, d. 1925

1. Jacob Fast - b. 1886, d. 1886

2. Maria Fast - b. 1887, d. 1926

Spouse - Abram D Schultz - b. 1882, m. 1911, d. 1940

i. Rosa Schultz - b. 1912, d. 2009

ii. David Albert Schultz - b. 1914, d. 1986

iii. Orlando Arnold Schultz - b. 1916, d. 2005

iv. Mathilda Schultz - b. 1920, d. 1999

3. Katharina Fast - b. 1889, d. 1968

4. Anna Fast - b. 1890, d. 1958

5. John N. Fast - b. 1892, d. 1925

6. Elizebeth Fast - b. 1893

7. Gerhard G Fast - b. 1895

8. Helena Fast - b. 1896, d. 1902

9. David G Fast - b. 1898

10. Jacob Fast - b. 1898, d. 1902

10. Susanna Fast Hamm - b. 1900, d. 1969

Spouse - Henry David Hamm - b. 1895, m. 1919, d. 1954

i. David Elmer Hamm - b. 1920

ii. Harold Gerhard Hamm - b. 1923, d. 1967

iii. Verda Susan Hamm - b. 1925, d. 2000

Spouse - Harold Morris Cox - b. 1924, m. 1948, d. 1977

11. Maria Fast - b. 1901

12. Keinrick G Fast - b. 1903

13. Katherine Fast - b. 1905

14. Abe G Fast - b. 1907

(3-5)When Johann (John) Fast was born on February 28, 1864, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 33 and his mother, Anna, was 29. He married Margaretha Enns Fast and they had eight children together. He then married Aganetha Vogt Fast and they had seven children together. He died on February 26, 1920, in Carson, Minnesota, at the age of 55, and was buried in Cottonwood County, Minnesota.

Johann (John) Fast - b. 1864, d. 1920

& Margaretha Enns Fast - b. 1868, m. 1888, d. 1896

1. Lena Fast - b. 1883

2. Anna Fast - b. 1884

3. Jacob Fast - b. 1889, d. 1889

4. Tina Fast - b. 1890

5. John M. Fast - b. 1891, d. 1976

6. Henry Fast - b. 1893

7. Maria Just - b. 1895

8. Mary Fast - b. 1896, d. 1964

& Aganetha Vogt Fast - b. 1875, m. 1896, d. 1934

9. Johan Fast - b. 1897

10. Anna Fast - b. 1897, d. 1936

11. Aganetha Fast - b. 1900

12. Agnes Fast - b. 1900, d. 1992

13. Lara Fast - b. 1904, d. 1937

14. Helena Fast - b. 1906, d. 1985

15. Henry Fast - b. 1910

(3-6)When Bernhard B. "Ben" Fast was born on December 29, 1868, in Russia, his father, Johann, was 38 and his mother, Anna, was 34. He married Suzanne Mandtler Fast on December 2, 1888. They had eight children in 14 years. He died on July 9, 1943, in Saskatchewan, at the age of 74, and was buried in Dalmeny, Saskatchewan.

Bernhard B. "Ben" Fast - b. 1868, d. 1943

& Suzanne Mandtler Fast - b. 1870, m. 1888, d. 1951

1. Peter B Fast - b. 1890, d. 1980

2. John B. Fast - b. 1892, d. 1949

3. Tina Fast - b. 1893, d. 1987

4. Susie Fast - b. 1896, d. 1973

5. Mary Fast - b. 1897, d. 1989

6. Bernhard Fast - b. 1899, d. 1978

Spouse - Lena Quiring - b. 1900, m. 1922, d. 1996

i. Luella Mabel Fast - b. 1924, d. 1935

ii. Rosella Marles Fast - b. 1926, d. 2001

iii. Menno Bernhard (Ben) Fast - b. 1929, d. 2001

iv. Rueben Henry Fast - b. 1930, d. 1930

7. Henry B Fast - b. 1902

8. David B Fast - b. 1904, d. 1984

Spouse - Nettie Annie Sperling Fast - b. 1903, m. 1928

(3-7)When Anna J Fast Hiebert was born on July 10, 1871, in Russia, her father, Johann, was 41 and her mother, Anna, was 37. She married Claas F Hiebert on December 24, 1889, in Carson, Minnesota. They had seven children during their marriage. She died on November 28, 1957, in Bingham Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 86, and was buried in Delft, Minnesota.

Anna J Fast Hiebert - b. 1871, d. 1957

& Claas F Hiebert - b. 1861, m. 1889, d. 1942

1. Claus Kenneth Hiebert - b. 1890, d. 1970

Spouse - Lillie Amanda Wistrom Heibert - b. 1898, m. 1925, d. 1974

i. Clarence Wilbur Hiebert - b. 1927, d. 1997

ii. James Heibert - b. 1937

2. Anna Hiebert Voth - b. 1892, d. 1938

Spouse - David Jacob Voth - b. 1886, m. 1912, d. 1966

i. Edna C Voth - b. 1913

ii. Richard D Voth - b. 1914

iii. Gertrude Voth - b. 1918, d. 1921

iv. John L Voth - b. 1921

v. Stanley Voth - b. 1923

vi. Robert J Voth - b. 1926

3. John Klaas Hiebert - b. 1893, d. 1972

Spouse - Susan FREEMIRE Hiebert - b. 1896, m. 1921, d. 1923

Spouse - Cathrine Doerksen Hiebert - b. 1903, m. 1926

i. Donnabel Hiebert - b. 1922

ii. Francis Hiebert - b. 1923

iii. Winnifred Hiebert - b. 1924

iv. John Hiebert - b. 1928

v. Melvin Hiebert - b. 1931

4. Sarah Hiebert Feil - b. 1896, d. 1969

Spouse - Jacob Henry Feil - b. 1892, m. 1914, d. 1953

i. Kenneth Feil - b. 1915

ii. Vera Ann Feil - b. 1916, d. 1935

iii. Donna Mae Feil - b. 1924

iv. Donald Feil - b. 1927

v. Merle Feil Dean - b. 1929, d. 2012

vi. Barbara Feil - b. 1938

5. Mary C Hiebert Voigt - b. 1898, d. 1988

Spouse - Emil Ferdinand Voigt - b. 1895, m. 1929, d. 1963

6. Hilda Hiebert - b. 1908, d. 1909

(3-8)When Sara Susan Fast Ewert was born on May 21, 1873, in Russia, her father, Johann, was 42 and her mother, Anna, was 39. She married Abraham Ewert in 1890. She had three children by the time she was 24. She died on October 31, 1948, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 75, and was buried there.

Sara Susan Fast Ewert - b. 1873, d. 1948

& Abraham Ewert - b. 1860, m. 1890, d. 1907

1. Sarah Ewert - b. 1893, d. 1950

2. Anna Ewert - b. 1897

3. Helen Ewert - b. 1898, d. 1927

(3-9)When Helena "Lena" JP Fast Friesen was born on February 23, 1875, in Russia, her father, Johann, was 44 and her mother, Anna, was 40. She married her first husband in 1893. On January 3, 1893, she married her second husband in Cottonwood County, Minnesota. She died on March 4, 1949, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 74, and was buried there.

Helena "Lena" JP Fast Friesen - b. 1875, d. 1949

& Abraham B Friesen - b. 1871, m. 1893, d. 1947

1. john Friesen - b. 1894, d. 1958

2. Sara Friesen - b. 1899

3. Abraham Friesen - b. 1901

4. Anna Friesen - b. 1903

5. Peter Friesen - b. 1904

6. Katie A Friesen - b. 1906

7. Henrich Friesen - b. 1908

8. Jack Friesen - b. 1910

9. Bernhard Friesen - b. 1911

10. Aron Friesen - b. 1913

11. Herman Friesen - b. 1914

12. Susana Friesen - b. 1918

13. George Friesen - b. 1920

(3-10)When Peter Johann Fast was born on March 12, 1877, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, his father, Johann, was 46 and his mother, Anna, was 43. He had three sons and two daughters with Anna Unknown Fast between 1903 and 1919. He died on February 9, 1949, in Minnesota, at the age of 71.

Peter Johann Fast - b. 1877, d. 1949

& Anna Unknown Fast - b. 1877

1. Anna Fast - b. 1903

2. Henry P Fast - b. 1905

3. Peter H Fast - b. 1908

4. Martha Fast - b. 1913

5. John L Fast - b. 1919

(4-1)When Herman Peters was born on February 20, 1861, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 24 and his mother, Maria, was 25. He married Sarah Hiebert Peters on June 11, 1882, in Russia. They had nine children in 24 years. He died on October 29, 1921, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 60, and was buried in Cottonwood County, Minnesota.

Herman3 Peters - b. 1861, d. 1921

& Sarah Hiebert Peters - b. 1861, m. 1882, d. 1950

1. Herman4 P Peters - b. 1884, d. 1967

Spouse - Elizabeth Baer Peters - b. 1893, m. 1913, d. 1973

i. Herman5 Peters - b. 1915

ii. Olga5 Peters Harder - b. 1916, d. 2006

Spouse - Peter M Harder - b. 1909, m. 1946, d. 1980

iii. Elizabeth5 Peters - b. 1920, d. 1920

iv. Waldo5 Peters - b. 1923, d. 1983

Spouse - Sarah Margaret Williams Peters - b. 1924, d. 1991

v. Clarence5 Richard "Red" Peters - b. 1929, d. 1999

vi. Arnold5 Dean Peters - b. 1933, d. 1993

2. Sarah4 P Peters - b. 1887, d. 1960

3. Margaret4 C Peters Klingenberg - b. 1890, d. 1968

Spouse - August Klingenberg - b. 1882, m. 1924, d. 1931

i. Sara5 Margaret Klingenberg - b. 1924, d. 1971

ii. Elsie5 Esther Klingenberg Clayton - b. 1926, d. 2007

Spouse - Carlyle "Carlie" Everett * Clayton - b. 1921, d. 1975

iii. Otto5 August Klingenberg - b. 1929, d. 1965

iv. Vivian5 Violet Klingenberg - d. 1983

4. Maria4 Mary Peters - b. 1892, d. 1892

5. Heinrich4 Bruno Peters - b. 1895, d. 1980

Spouse - Susie Unknown Peters - b. 1908

6. Johann4 "John" Peters - b. 1897

7. Anna4 Peters Neufeld - b. 1901, d. 1949

Spouse - Frank J. Neufeld - b. 1895, m. 1935, d. 1984

i. Quintin5 Oliver Neufeld - b. 1939

8. Jacob4 H Peters - b. 1904, d. 1973

(4-2)When Anna Peters Hiebert was born on January 4, 1866, in Russia, her father, Heinrich, was 29 and her mother, Maria, was 30. She married Peter AbrahHiebert on April 7, 1888, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had 11 children in 17 years. She died on August 21, 1950, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 84, and was buried in Cottonwood County, Minnesota.

Anna3 Peters Hiebert - b. 1866, d. 1950

& Peter AbrahHiebert - b. 1868, m. 1888, d. 1912

1. Cornelius4Hiebert - b. 1890

2. Anna4Hiebert - b. 1890, d. 1917

3. Heinrich4 P Hiebert - b. 1890

4. Helena4 P Hiebert - b. 1893, d. 1995

5. Maria4Hiebert - b. 1894, d. 1912

6. Elizabeth4 D Hiebert Schultz - b. 1897, d. 1990

Spouse - Abram D Schultz - b. 1882, m. 1929, d. 1940

i. Rosie5 Schultz - b. 1912

ii. David5 Schultz - b. 1914

iii. Orlando5 Schultz - b. 1917

iv. Mathilda5 Schultz - b. 1921

7. Sarah4 H Hiebert Harder - b. 1899, d. 1990

Spouse - Frank Harder - b. 1894

i. Ella5 Harder - b. 1923

ii. Evelyn5 Harder - b. 1925

iii. Doris5 Harder - b. 1928

iv. Nora5 Harder - b. 1931

v. Martha5 Harder - b. 1934

8. Katie4HiebertKlingenberg Neufeld - b. 1901, d. 1981

Spouse - Heinrich Klingenberg - b. 1886, m. 1922, d. 1964

i. Hazel5 R Klingenberg - b. 1923

ii. Lowell5 O Klingenberg - b. 1927

Spouse - George Peter Neufeld - b. 1895, m. 1966, d. 1992

9. Hermann4Hiebert - b. 1902, d. 1902

10. Martha4Hiebert - b. 1904, d. 1995

11. Peter4Hiebert - b. 1907, d. 1988

Spouse - Sarah S Unknown Hiebert - b. 1906

i. Margie5 Anna Hiebert - b. 1930

ii. Gaylord5 J Hiebert - b. 1936

(4-3)When Heinrich K "Henry" Peters was born on December 25, 1868, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 31 and his mother, Maria, was 32. He married Maria "Mary" Hiebert Peters on April 14, 1891, in Russia. They had seven children in 17 years. He died on October 21, 1946, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 77.

Heinrich3 K "Henry" Peters - b. 1868, d. 1946

& Maria "Mary" Hiebert Peters - b. 1866, m. 1891, d. 1930

1. Heinrich4 H "Henry" Peters - b. 1892, d. 1964

2. Abraham4 H Peters - b. 1893, d. 1981

Spouse - Cornelia (Nellie) Loewen Peters - b. 1899, m. 1919, d. 1993

i. Alando5 Abe Peters - b. 1920, d. 1987

Spouse - Olga Dick Peters - b. 1921, m. 1941, d. 2004

ii. Alvin5 Peters - b. 1921

iii. Elvin5 Ervin Peters Schroeder - b. 1921, d. 1987

Spouse - Elsa P. Schroeder - b. 1919, m. 1943, d. 1996

iv. Herbert5 Peters - b. 1923

v. Phyllis5 Ann Peters - b. 1933, d. 1989

3. Peter4 Henry Peters - b. 1897, d. 1978

4. Mary4 Peters Loewen - b. 1902, d. 1959

5. Herbert4 Marvin Peters - b. 1904, d. 1986

Spouse - Josephine Unknown Peters - b. 1903

6. Cornelius4Hiebert Peters - b. 1906, d. 1985

Spouse - Ella M Peters - b. 1907

7. Annie4 Sophie Peters Schultz - b. 1909, d. 1978

Spouse - Albert Issac Schultz - b. 1907, m. 1928, d. 2002

i. Gladys5 Schultz Crawford - b. 1932

ii. Eunice5 Elaine Schultz - b. 1937, d. 1940

(4-4) When Peter H Peters was born on October 16, 1873, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 36 and his mother, Anna, was 21. He married Margaret R "Maggie" Dahlke Peters and they had eight children together. He then married Elizabeth Margie Toews and they had four children together. He died on November 10, 1937, in North Dakota, at the age of 64, and was buried in Margie, Minnesota.

Peter3 H Peters - b. 1873, d. 1937

& Elizabeth Margie Toews - b. 1881, m. 1900, d. 1908

1. Elizabeth4 Pearl Peters Goertz - b. 1902, d. 2000

Spouse - Jacob Goertz - b. 1897, d. 1980

i. Orval5 Wilfred Goertz - b. 1927, d. 2011

2. Anna4 Peters Henschel - b. 1904, d. 1978

Spouse - Rudolph M Henschel - b. 1894, m. 1924, d. 1972

i. Elmer5 D Henschel - b. 1926

ii. Robert5 Glenn Henschel - b. 1926, d. 1975

iii. Herman5 Carl Henschel - b. 1928, d. 2000

iv. Dolores5 Elizabeth Henschel - b. 1932, d. 1997

v. Roger5 Leroy Henschel - b. 1939, d. 2002

3. Peter4 G Peters - b. 1906, d. 1990

4. Mary4 Peters - b. 1908

& Margaret R "Maggie" Dahlke Peters - b. 1880, m. 1900, d. 1944

5. Petter4 G Peters - b. 1906, d. 1994

6. Susie4 Harriet Peters - b. 1910, d. 1979

7. Clara4 M Peters Kern - b. 1912, d. 2013

Spouse - Archie Kern - b. 1913, d. 1983

i. Marilyn5 G Kern - b. 1936

ii. Gerald5 A Kern - b. 1937

8. Heinrich4 Peters - b. 1915, d. 1915

9. Elma4 Peters - b. 1916, d. 1917

10. Justina Toots Peters Van Slyke - b. 1918, d. 1994

Spouse - Alvin Van Slyke - b. 1911, d. 1992

i. Robert5 Van Slyke - b. 1938

11. Alfred4 Peters - b. 1920, d. 1925

12. Joseph4 R Peters - b. 1922, d. 1986

(4-5)When Elizabeth H Peters Wiens was born on January 25, 1877, in Russia, her father, Heinrich, was 40 and her mother, Anna, was 24. She married Peter P. Wiens on November 24, 1896, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. They had eight children in 18 years. She died on July 24, 1946, in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, at the age of 69, and was buried there.

Elizabeth3 H Peters Wiens - b. 1877, d. 1946

& Peter P. Wiens - b. 1875, m. 1896, d. 1943

1. Lizzie4 Wiens - b. 1899

2. Anna4 Wiens Buller Dirks - b. 1900, d. 1986

Spouse - Peter J Buller - b. 1890, m. 1919, d. 1941

i. Edna5 Buller - b. 1921

ii. Harold5 Willard Buller - b. 1922, d. 2006

iii. Peter5 W Buller - b. 1924, d. 2009

iv. Clarence5 Buller - b. 1929

v. Henry5 Buller - b. 1931

vi. Shirley5 Ann Buller - b. 1937

Spouse - Abraham Jacob Dirks - b. 1893, m. 1954, d. 1976

3. Bertha4 Wiens Lemke - b. 1902, d. 1991

Spouse - David K Lemke - b. 1891, m. 1924, d. 1968

i. Alice5 Elizabeth Lemke - b. 1925, d. 1998

ii. David5 Lemke - b. 1928, d. 1928

iii. Harry5 Elmer Lemke - b. 1929, d. 1997

iv. Herman5 Lemke - b. 1932

v. Montana5 C Lemke - b. 1937

4. Hilda4 Wiens Friesen - b. 1904, d. 1948

Spouse - Peter A Friesen - b. 1903, m. 1925, d. 1969

i. Gladys5 Friesen - b. 1927

ii. Allegra5Friessen - b. 1929

iii. Boby5 Allen Frisen - b. 1933

iv. Joyce5 Ann Frisen - b. 1934

v. Janet5 Lucille Frisen - b. 1938

5. Rev Henry4 P Wiens - b. 1905, d. 1994

Spouse - Maria Martha Wall Wiens - b. 1910, m. 1934, d. 2011

6. Peter4 P Wiens - b. 1908, d. 2002

Spouse - Maria Lila Wall Wiens - b. 1910, m. 1930, d. 2006

i. Frank5 Wiens - b. 1932

ii. Theodore5 Wiens - b. 1933

iii. Dorothy5 Wiens - b. 1935

iv. William5 Wiens - b. 1938

7. Herman4 Wiens - b. 1912, d. 2001

Spouse - Katherine Susie Wall Wiens - b. 1912, m. 1934, d. 2009

i. Laura5 Adeline Wiens Toews - b. 1935, d. 1982

Spouse - Andreas HERBERT Toews - b. 1934, m. 1954

ii. Albert5 Wiens - b. 1937

iii. Arlie5 Wiens - b. 1937, d. 1937

iv. Lorean5 Wiens - b. 1939

v. Delores5 Jean Wiens - b. 1945, d. 1945

8. Arnold4 P Wiens - b. 1917, d. 2002

(4-6)When Jacob Henry Peters was born on April 12, 1880, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 43 and his mother, Anna, was 27. He married Helena (Lena) Bloch Peters and they had seven children together. He then married Elizabeth Petkau Peters and they had eight children together. He also adopted Elizabeth’s illegitimate son David Jacob Peters He died on January 10, 1962, in Edmonton, Alberta, at the age of 81.

Jacob3 Henry Peters - b. 1880, d. 1962

& Helena (Lena) Bloch Peters - b. 1888, m. 1905, d. 1916

1. Irvine4 Jacob Peters - b. 1906, d. 1967

Spouse - Helen Hastey Peters - b. 1919, m. 1938, d. 2003

i. Wilma5 Peters Johnson - b. 1940, d. 1999

ii. Barry5 Peters -

iii. Thelma5 Peters -

2. Elizbeth4 "Beth" Peters Pagan - b. 1907, d. 1985

Spouse - Jim Pagan -

i. Marge5 Pagan -

3. Henry4 Peters - b. 1909, d. 1909

4. Heinrich4 Jacob "Harry" Peters - b. 1910, d. 1978

Spouse - Sarah Minnie "Joyce" Trusty "Allen" Peters - b. 1918, m. 1939, d. 2008

i. Dale5 Peters - b. 1943

Spouse - Vivian Unknown Peters -

ii. Veda5 Peters - b. 1949

5. Anna4 Elizabeth Peters Collins - b. 1911, d. 2003

Spouse - Alexander Collins - b. 1861, d. 1960

i. Olive5 Collins -

ii. Robert5 Collins -

iii. Sharon5 Collins - d. 2003

iv. Marlene5 Collins -

v. Charlotte5 Collins -

vi. Dianne5 Collins -

vii. Gary5 Collins -

6. Peter4 Jacob Peters - b. 1913, d. 1926

7. Luella4 Peters - b. 1916, d. 1916

Jacob3 Henry Peters - b. 1880, d. 1962

& Elizabeth Petkau Peters - b. 1888, m. 1917, d. 1973

8. Helen4 Luella Peters Thurlow - b. 1917, d. 2002

Spouse - William Franklin "Frank" Thurlow - b. 1910, m. 1937, d. 1979

i. Lorraine5Thurlow - b. 1938

ii. Maxine5Thurlow Gordon - b. 1944, d. 2010

Spouse - Douglas Gordon - d. 1983

iii. Gregory5Thurlow -

iv. Kennrth5Thurlow -

v. Stewart5Thurlow -

9. Minne4 Lara Peters Cone - b. 1918, d. 2014

Spouse - James A "Jim" Cone - d. 1993

i. Myrna5 Cone Glass - b. 1941, d. 2007

ii. Lorna5 Cone McCormick -

iii. Rodney5 "Rod" Cone –

10. Jack4 Jacob "James" Peters - b. 1921, d. 1987

Spouse - Alice Hazel Lavinia"Babe" Warren Peters - b. 1917, m. 1943, d. 2009

i. Hazel5 Mildred Peters Barton - b. 1943

Spouse - Myron Baton - m. 1961

ii. Dennis5 Bertram Peters - b. 1947

Spouse - Connie Ayers Peters - m. 1969

iii. Diane5 Barbara Peters Wedley - b. 1948

Spouse - John Wedley - m. 1990

iv. Donna5 Lynn Peters Procknow - b. 1951

Spouse - Clarence Procknow - m. 1971

v. John5 Byron Peters - b. 1953

Spouse - Linda Redstone Peters - m. 1973

vi. Dean5 Ward Peters - b. 1963, d. 1979

vii. Donald5 Peters -

11. Orlanda4 Wanda "Lindy" Peters Tokaryk - b. 1924, d. 1983

Spouse - Stan Tokaryk - b. 1928, m. 1960, d. 1983

i. Robert5Tokaryk -

ii. Douglas5Tokaryk -

12. Olga4 Viola Peters Ippolito - b. 1924, d. 1983

Spouse - Maurice Ippolito -

i. Robert5Ippolito -

ii. Maureen5Ippolito–

13. Anges4 "Ginger" Luella Peters Hicks - b. 1927, d. 2015

Spouse - Calvin Hicks -

i. Carla5 Hicks -

ii. Janel5 Hicks Seier -

Spouse - Mark Seier -

iii. Kristy5 (Tammy) Hicks Hodson -

iv. Bonnie5 Hicks Veen -

Spouse - Gary Veen -

14. Roy4 Peter Peters - b. 1929, d. 2009

Spouse - Kathy Achtymichuck Peters - b. 1927, m. 1950

i. Deborah5 Kathleen Peters Haddon MclaughinSellars - b. 1951

Spouse - Dave Haddon - b. 1946, m. 1970

Spouse - John Malaughlin - b. 1950, m. 1976

Spouse - PhillSellars - b. 1970, m. 1997

ii. Roxanne5Loree Peters MckendryUhlenberg - b. 1953

Spouse - Thomas John Mckendry - b. 1950, m. 1978

Spouse - Cameron Walter Uhlenberg - b. 1960, m. 2003

iii. Colleen5 Gaye Peters Vincent Mancuso - b. 1958

Spouse - Domenic Mancuso - b. 1958, m. 1985

Spouse - Michael John Vincent - b. 1949, m. 1992

iv. Rhonda5 Noreen Peters Harris - b. 1961

Spouse - Ron Harris - b. 1957, m. 1990

v. Danna5 Nicole Peters McLeod -

Spouse - Donald McLeod - b. 1950, m. 1976

15. Margaret4 "Midge" Adelle Peters KimmonsCarr - b. 1931

Spouse - Fred (Yackimchuk) Kimmons -

vi. Sandra5 Lee "Sandee" Kimmons Pearson - b. 1955

vii. Grant5 James Kimmons - b. 1957

viii. Susan5 Faye Kimmsons - b. 1960

(4-7)When Daniel H Peters was born on November 15, 1883, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 46 and his mother, Anna, was 31. He had one son and two daughters with Katharina "Tiena" Wiens Peters between 1908 and 1911. He died on April 12, 1960, in Calgary, Alberta, at the age of 76, and was buried there.

Daniel3 H Peters - b. 1883, d. 1960

& Katharina "Tiena" Wiens Peters - b. 1890, d. 1982

1. Jacob4 D Jack Peters - b. 1908, d. 1991

Spouse - Edna May Lilly Peters McInnes - b. 1906, m. 1940, d. 1996

2. Anne4 Peters Dewar - b. 1910, d. 2001

Spouse - Bill Dewar - b. 1914, d. 1959

3. Sadie4 Peters Molder - b. 1911, d. 1987

Spouse - William Molder - b. 1906, m. 1933, d. 1982

i. Vance5 Clayton Molder -

Spouse - Kay Francis Johnstone Molder -

ii. Kirk5 Molder -

Spouse - Gwen Myrfield molder -

iii. Cathey5 Molder -

(4-8)When Cornelius Henry "Nels" Peters was born on May 8, 1887, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 50 and his mother, Anna, was 34. He married Justina L Baer Peters and they had five children together. He then married Sarah E Reimer Peters Groening on June 14, 1925. He died on June 19, 1943, in Portland, Oregon, at the age of 56, and was buried there.

Cornelius3 Henry "Nels" Peters - b. 1887, d. 1943

& Justina L Baer Peters - b. 1889, m. 1911, d. 1924

1. Hulda4 May Peters Bartell - b. 1912, d. 2007

2. Orlando4 Clarence Peters - b. 1915, d. 1985

Spouse - Neva Unknown Peters - b. 1917

3. Albert4 H Peters - b. 1916, d. 2003

Spouse - Hilda Wannow Peters - b. 1919, m. 1937, d. 2007 (Sister to Hellen M Wannow Peters Plush)

i. Ruth5 Ann Peters - b. 1942

ii. Robert5 Peters - b. 1948

4. Albert4 Robert Peters - b. 1919, d. 1981

5. Bernard4 "Benny" Carl Peters - b. 1923, d. 1985

& Sarah E Reimer Peters Groening - b. 1900, m. 1925, d. 1976

(4-9)When Johannes "John" Henry Peters was born on October 16, 1891, in Russia, his father, Heinrich, was 54 and his mother, Anna, was 39. He immigrated to Mountain Lake MN when he was only 2. He married Helen M Wannow Peters Plush on January 1, 1920, in Minnesota. They had three children during their marriage. He died on July 31, 1948, in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, at the age of 56.

1. Johannes3 "John" Henry Peters - b. 1891, d. 1948*See Immigration images

& Helen M Wannow Peters Plush - b. 1900, m. 1920, d. 1974*See note: “As It Was”

1. Rosella4 Peters-Basom - b. 1921

Spouse - Peter P Schroeder - b. 1915, m. 1937, d. 2006

Gordon5 Peter Schroeder - b. 1939

Spouse - Kaye Young Schroeder - b. 1940

Spouse - Betty J Unknown Schroeder -

Roger5 Brent Schroeder - b. 1941

Spouse - Merline Unknown Schroeder - m. 1962

Spouse - Karen Unokwn Schroeder -

Spouse - Otha Dale Honeycutt - b. 1918, m. 1945, d. 1999

i. Rosedale5 Honeycutt - b. 1947

ii. Charlotte5Florene Honeycutt Woods Roberts Hand Krebs - b. 1949

Spouse - John Woods - m. 1964

Spouse - Billy Coy Roberts - m. 1969

Spouse - Robert F Hand - m. 1982

Spouse - Terrance Thomas Krebs - b. 1961, m. 1999

iii. Gretchen5 Flora Honeycutt Sellsted - b. 1951, d. 1977

Spouse - Gerald H Sellstead - m. 1968

Spouse - Albert William Bell - b. 1915, m. 1963, d. 1993

iv. Cindy5 Ann Bell Polehn - b. 1964

Spouse - Michael Anthony Polehn - b. 1959, m. 1996

Spouse - Charles Richard Basom - b. 1916, m. 2001, d. 2007

2. Harold4 John or James"Pete" Peters - b. 1923, d. 1988

Spouse - Virginia M Powell Peters King - b. 1926, m. 1942

i. Bonnie5 Carol Peters Lawrence - b. 1943

Spouse - William Lawrence - m. 1962

ii. Ronald5 James Peters - b. 1945

Spouse - Gina Unknown Peters -

iii. John5 Herold Peters - b. 1949

Spouse - Carolyn J Christensen Peters - b. 1948, m. 1969

• Raymond4 Paul Peters - b. 1926

Spouse - Rosella Weber Peters - b. 1927, m. 1946

i. Sandra5 Lynn Peters Tindell - b. 1947

Spouse - Daniel Joseph Tindell - b. 1948, d. 2004

ii. Steve5 Paul Peters - b. 1951

Spouse - Carol A Wehr Peters - b. 1954

iii. Charles5 Edward Peters - b. 1953

Spouse - Pamela Ann Peschong Peters - b. 1958, m. 1981

*Note: “As It Was”

I am most grateful to my father, John Wannow, for his insurmountable contribution to the Wannow family genealogy. Without his memories and anecdotes, the family history would never have become a personal portrait of our family background. I am especially grateful to my aunt, Hilda Peters, who gave so readily historical information and brought about the translation of letters as well as other materials that are valuable sentimentally. Also my warm appreciation to my aunt, Martha Wannow, to my cousin, Edna Peters and many others who had responded so well to requests for contributions toward the Wannow family history.A special thanks to the Minnesota Historical Society, Oxboro Library, Southdale Library, University of Minnesota Genealogy Library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Library, The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, the Windom Court House and the genealogists representing archives, libraries and other institutions in Germany who had responded to letters, particularly Mr. Carl Malter must,a distant relative.

Through the years of searching of records of my beloved grandparents, it has been easily recognized the devotion, especially hard work, the humbleness and the faith and trust in God to be their mark of success infamily life. May the Wannow family history be interesting and inspiring for generations to come...

Our mother and Father's Background

Although our father, John Wannow was born in Danzig, Germany, he was raised in a village where his younger brother Martin was born, Katrinentahl, Russia, near the German border. Our father was raised there by his maternal grandparents but later returned to Germany. His two brothers, Martin and Herman had later lived in -Gronau, Germany. Then Martin came to the United States with his family which consisted of his wife Helen (born Ratzlaff), five daughters, Helen, Justine, Agnes, Olga, Ann, and one son, John, having settled in Minnesota and living to the age of 83. One sister, Anna Mielke, lived to the age of 84 in Gronau. Two other sisters, Helen (rors. Fred Moyke) and Marie (Mrs. John Kriers) lived and died in Germany. Our mother, Charlotte Stading, had a brother and sister who were twins. Her mother had married a second time, changing her name from Stading to Schmidt.

Son, John

Told by John Wannon Written by Violet Wannon Sanford

My mother, Mrs. Charlotte Stading Fast, was born on October 17, 1873 in the seaport Danzig, West Prussia, Germany. Her early life was spent in Germany, where she also received her education. As a young woman, she came from Germany on March 26, 1893 to the United States, to Mountain Lake, Minnesota from where her husband-to-be John Wannow had sent for her. My father, John, had come from Germany to start a farm beforehand. He found that he could earn a better income by farming in the United States, with the agreement that his traveling fare would be paid for by working on a farm. Therefore, he traveled to a German settlement, Mountain Lake. Their marriage took place at the Brothers Mennonite Church, and then located on the Al Fast's farm on April 3, 1894 when she was 21 years old and John was 27. (The church was later moved from the farm.) From this union, fourteen children were born: Marie, Katherine, Helen, John, Minnie, Ann, the twins Nettieand Martha, Herman, Ted and Hilda; three children had died at an early age,two boys during infancy and Elizabeth at the age of eight from diphtheria. Hard Work, Trust and Devotionas children on the farm, we helped my mother and father with chores after school and sometimes before. After walking 34 miles home from school, often the girls worked in the garden, pulling grass and brushing bugs from potato plants into cans of kerosene. My mother placed ashes on the cabbage, cucumber and tomato plants, knowing this would kill the worms. Also we hadsunflower seeds from our garden. During the hot summer months, barefootedchildren were often seen in our area. My sisters Ann and Helen were up at6:00 a.m. to milk the cows as well as helped in the house. Years later,my sister Martha also did this. Our cellar was cool enough to keep our cream from spoiling, but when it became very hot during the summer; myother lowered it into the well. My youngest sister Hilda worked very hard with my mother in the kitchen, and long after the older children had married, she was still helping her. For many years, my mother hauled water from the pump outside; how grateful she was when the pump was placed in the kitchen. Besides knitting all the mittens and socks for her children and crocheting a tablecloth, she had made her own butter. Years earlier, when she baked white and graham bread every week, she used an outside cement oven. Later, she used a wood burning oven in the kitchen but also used corn cobs for quicker cooking. A boiler was attached to the back of her kitchen stove to heat water for dishes. Our drinking water was kept in - large pati where a dipper was used. Sometimes during the summer, we had worked for another farmer and at the end of the season; our other collected our savings from our work to buy clothes and books for us before we started school. At that time, boys usually wore overalls to school and knickers to church on Sundays. During the summer, a barrel outside was used for washing ourselves, using a cistern pump. Most of the time, my mother made soap from lye and lard. while my sister Helen was kept busy sewing for the family, I had my chores too, being helpful to my father in the field where he planted corn, sowed oats, barley and flax. But, I was always mischievous, teasing my brothers and sisters as well as the animals in the barn. My father taught me how to hitch up the horses. At the beginning of each day, I fed the horses hay and oats, cleaned the barn and harnessed the horses. Shortly before noon, I brought the horses from the field to the barn and unhitched them. My sister Helen sometimes worked outside with me. Then dinner was served to the family and as an example, we sometimes had fried ham, potatoes and cucumber salad along with bread. After that I went back to the field to work with my father; then at 3:30 we had eaten lunch and worked until dark.

In those days, every town had a blacksmith to sharpen the plows by heating them and adding more steel where they had become dull. Also they made shoes to fit the horses. The farmers had this done especially before icy weather. If they did not, the horses did the Charleston.One time when I was ten years old, I was told that a car would be coming up the road by our mailbox. Excitedly I waited for it to come and watched it pass by. That was a thrill to me...We always looked forward to Saturday night when we went to town, sometimes using the buggy or otherwise riding horseback.... a time forbuying what we needed and talking with friends that we met there. Taking care, church and other Good. Thingsity father took great care of his horses, brushing their bodiesand combing their tails meticulously. On Sundays, when all of us attendedthe Mennonite Church with our mother and father, we used the black carriageto ride in. During the service, the horses were kept in a barn providedby the church. Both our parents loved the Lord and their family, daily praying forthem and enjoying the Christian fellowship in the church. My mother readthe bible nightly and especially liked the hymns, singing with vigor whenthe opportunity care. Mother was baptized in 1905 by Elder Heinrick Quiring;both other and Father were members of the Mennonite church. By the waywe had never seen my father without a beard.Later, I went to the Brothers Church in Long Lake where I was baptized and became a to other kinds of food that we ate, for breakfast we often had fried potatoes, cracklings (remainder after fat was removed by frying smallpieces of pork), strong coffee for mother and father, and separated milk forthe rest of us. For dinner, many times we had fried or boiled potatoes, meat and a pear or peach sauce or cooked potatoes, borscht (cabbage soup with dill) and cooked sausage, when a pig was butchered. At lunch time, we usually had soup and bread. One of the soups that we especially liked was sweet milk soup, started by mixing egg and flour together, then droppingthe crumbs into the milk being heated on the stove. It was simple but itwas good.

Cold Winters, Warm Hearts

Our snowstorms in the early 1900's sometimes lasted three days. It was at a time like that when we had a rope leading from the house to the barn in order to walk there to feed the animals. Sometimes snow was given to the cattle for water; also the farmers gathered together with their teams of horses and would take turns leading their teams, breaking through on the snow-filled roads, changing off, sometimes five teams together, driving slowly to town.

To keep warm, a coal heating nickel-plated stove was used in the living room and a wood burning stove in the kitchen. Many times we sat around the stove in the living room telling stories and then, we went to bed with feather quilts to cover us. Then kerosene lamps and lanterns were kept around the house, my sisters had to trim the wicks, clean the chimneys and then fill then with kerosene.

In 1913, my father bought a phonograph for my mother, knowing how much she would enjoy hearing music in their home. For a long time to come, her greatest enjoyment was listening to records of her favorite hymns and later, concert band music. Another source of enjoyment for her was the radio as well as reading, especially magazines from Germany. Most of her life, her eyes were very good. Christ-as meant attending the school and church programs, some of them being scheduled on the afternoon of Christmas Day. Then we were much younger, the open bobsled was driven to church, which had one seat in front and boards across lengthwise for the children in the back, but it was boxed in. On Christmas morning before breakfast, my mother placed a gift for each child in front of the plates on the table. We were very thankful for the gift - usually a bag of candy, peanuts,walnuts and jelly beans. One year I received a pencil box from my Uncle Martin, which I will never forget. Our Christmas dinner usually was chicken, potatoes, trieback, jelly, rye bread, separated milk and pumpkin pie. We never had a Christmas tree except once, the year that our father died and we bought one for our mother. One time when a minister came from the Mennonite church, my nose happened to be black from working outside. My mother told me that I should be ashamed of myself. Then the minister said "The sheep with the blacknoses are the best sheep”. I felt better - but then I had to wash my face.

A Time of Sadness

Our father was a hardworking man, with the farm to keep up andall of us children to support. He always did like animals and hadconcern for them. On the fateful day when he was working out on thefield, he saw a calf in a pond. He ran up to it and pulled it out, notknowing that a kidney was being torn inside him. By the time he came intothe house, his face was swollen and it had started to turn dark from bloodpoisoning. Although my father did not want to see Dr. Piper, two days latermy mother took him in a buckboard (wagon with one seat in front) to thedoctor. He gave him a shot and said tomorrow he will live or die at about3:00 p.m. that was the time he died. The doctor felt if he came two daysearlier, he might have lived. The day was May 29, 1920, the birthday of his daughter Ann. Needless to say, his death was hard on all of us, especially our mother. His body was packed in ice and kept in the ground in our back yard until the day of the funeral. On that day, the coffin which was wooden and had a glass top, was tied to the inside of the back of a friend's light truck and was driven to the church and then to the cemetary. I sat in front with the driver.We were very grateful to our neighbor, Mr. Pankratz, a farmer whocame over after our father's death and provided food and hay for the animalsin the barn for a long time after the funeral. Adjustment and Life Going on From ThereNot too long after my father's death, we moved into the valley withtwo cows, chickens and a small separator. Eighteen men from our church cameout to build a barn for my mother, in one day. It was the beginning of themany times that my mother walked one mile into town to the creamery to selleggs and cream. The school house from which the children in our family attendedbecame empty and unused. Afterwards, my mother bought it and we livedthere for many years.

Working and Playing Tricks

In the fall, besides the county fair being an interest to everyone,it was a time for threshing and pitching bundles. This is what I did, goingfrom one farm to the next. Later I husked corn by hand, but after doing that,one time when I came home, I teased my younger brother Ted by asking him to trade a nickel for a dime but then, he found that the larger coin was of lessvalue. My friends and family knew how much I liked to play tricks. One Halloween night, some friends came along with me into Mountain Lake and changed the front wheels to the back on a buggy and the back ones to the front. Later, we watched the people drive away, without being able to turn; they just kept driving straight through tom.

Another time of playing tricks came when my sister Ann was sitting with a boyfriend, Pete Buller, in a school house talking, with no one around. Then when I came, the urge came to me to throw shelled corn from a chalk box on top of the tin roof. Then they were not sitting and talking.

Pete Buller was a close friend of mine and at one time, togetherwe rode our horses on the sidewalks from one end of Mountain Lake to theother, late at night. As we did this, we could see the lights going on ineach house as we passed.

Another Chapter of Life Beginning

All of us as children helped our mother the best way we could,giving her our earnings from working for other farmers. When I was nineteen,I took the cattle car to Minneapolis as I represented a number of farmersto have their cattle and pigs weighed. Then checks were given to me to takeback to them. Later, when I came to Minneapolis and stayed with my Uncle Martin and cousins, I went along with them to the German Baptist Churchwhere I was introduced by them to Kate, my future wife. Soon after, I moved into a flat with my two sisters, Minnie and Ann. Together we boughta stove for my mother. Then I began to chum around with the Adam family,a friendship that started and then continued later in years. My first job in Minneapolis was working at the Armour Packing Housewhere meat cutting was done. Then, after having a job at the streetcar barn, I wanted to learn a trade and started at milliam Bros as a crane operator.

During the two years that I had worked there, I learned how to weld. ThenI quit working there and started at Moorehead Boiler.

During my courtship days with rate, I bought a 1911. Ford but it did not pull a load up a hill. One time, when Kate, Ed Adam and Henry were along, they had to climb out and push it every time we came to a hill. After I returned it, I found that according to the law, it should not have been sold to me as I was under twenty-one, an adult would sign up for me. The car had three pedals, the middle one was for reverse and it would not exceed 40 miles per hour, the same as other cars. The ten gallon gasoline tank was under the driver's seat whereas the cushion had to be taken off to be refueled. Ten gallons would take us two hundred miles in the four cylinder car. All the cars had two wheel mechanical brakes, not hydraulic.

Since my life with Kate was described with her story, I will not repeat that. It was after rate and I were -arried that I learned how to weld in Minneapolis. When we first moved to Chicago, I worked for Sheet Metal conveyers and later for the Chicago Boiler company where my younger brother red had worked also. Later, no other brother Herman moved there also, with his wife. Theresa. Although Kate and I worked as much as we could at our jobs during the depression to pay our bills, we had good times with our friends and family.

During one of our visits to Mountain Lake when Kate was pregnant, -y mother said "rlein a machin" to me which meant "I hope you have a little girl-. Her wish came true as our daughter violet was born in Minneapolis at the home of Kate's mother. When Kate brought our baby back to Chicago by train, the trip took twelve hours as the train stopped often at smalltownafter being married to my father for twenty-six years, my motherwas a widow for nine years before she married Peter P. Fast, who had eleven grown children from his former marriage. She had lived with -y stepfather for twenty-nine years; the last ten years they had shared together in the Eventide Home in Mountain Lake, where she passed away at the age of 87. My stepfather preceded her in death on "arch 31, 1958. How well we re-ember her for being kind and warmhearted. Contentment and patienc nbhe were her greatestvirtues. Also, we remember her well for her beautiful handwriting.

The Lighter side

when we were renting from our friend and landlord, Louis Sandwick in Chicago, I built in our basement a welding machine driven by an engine. When it was started, it shook the whole house. It had to be stopped right away as our neighbor, tra. Hawkins, who lived in a basement flat next store, found smoke on her curtains from the exhaust, as the houses were about five feet apart. During the Al Capone gangster days in Chicago, I was renting an apartment with Henry Fregene. One time, I forgot my key when I went out. It was dark, and by mistake, I climbed into another couple's apartment. I heard a man snoring and a woman could be seen in their bed. Realizing I could have been shot at, I slowly and quietly backed out and then, awoke the landlord. Another time, Tex, who was my sister Nettie's husband, helped me to give our pet cat wine and it walked backwards in a circle which it did not seem to mind. Later, Kate and I had many good times in Minneapolis too, but now we look forward to being in Mesa, Arizona every winter. For many years Ienjoyed listening to music, especially polka music and buying records, then recording them on tapes. Now oy main interest is making people happy by showing the metal "dancing dolls" and orchestra that I started to make after oy retirement. Each year I have been adding another instrument or player, timing their movements from tiny motors underneath then exactly to the music. The shows are given at senior Citizens' Fairs, at programs for organizations and at homes for the elderly. I never thought I would be on television but was asked once in Minneapolis and also once in Mesa to tell about the dolls in front of the cameras. That was a surprise to me. Kate was with me both times.

To the best of my knowledge this is the correct info- however its always changing. Either new info is added or corrections are made. 
Info Dated 12/8/2015

1 comment:

  1. I am the daughter of Louis G. Fast. He was born in 1922 and passed 2020. Please correct. He is the son of David Gerhard H. Fast- 1879-1963
